Tone Wheel and Tone Cabinet Service Company: Carillon and Chimes Service -- Maas Rowe, Schulmerich and Verdin. Maas, Mayland and Peterson Cathedral Chimes.
New Music for June 2022!
  Tone Wheel and Tone Cabinet Service Company
Maas Rowe, Schulmerich Van Bergen and I. T. Verdin
Electronic Carillon Service
bells and chimes
Service, replacement, and upgrade consultation provided for Cathedral Chimes, Organ Chimes: Deagan, and Mayland. Electronic Carillon systems including Maas-Rowe: Digital Chronobell ®, Symphonic Carillon ® Vibrachime ®, Schulmerich: Americana ®, Arlington ®, Arcadian ®, Basilican ®, ChimeAtron ®, Tyme Stryke ®, Tyme Stryke D ®, Magnebell ® I, II, III and IV. I.T. Verdin, Verdin 340 and 680.
Electronic mail link:
Carillon Sales and Service (310) 643-6656
24 Hour Message Service
The Maas-Rowe Carillons Bellwether*
This is the Maas-Rowe Carillons PC based system featuring an eleven inch touchscreen laptop.
The system can be adapted to fit the standard Maas-Rowe rack system or the available nineteen inch desktop rack system with locking door.
Perfect for an upgrade to an older system or an a new install.
*Bellwether is a registered trademark of Maas-Rowe Carillons
Maas-Rowe Digital Carillon Player (DCP) Introduction
Here you can see and listen to a sampling of the new Maas-Rowe DCP (Digital Chronobell Player)
The Symphonic Carillon* is the only carillon that sounds completely "in tune". This is achieved through the use of both major and minor tuned bells in the same instrument. An optional Memory Player/Recorder records songs into computer memory while the keyboard is played.
The tone quality of Maas-Rowe bells and carillons is so outstanding they have been selected for thousands of Churches, Universities, Civic Centers and Commercial Projects.
A pioneer in new technology, Maas-Rowe has installed more than 2,500 Digital Chronobell* Systems, offering unprecedented versatility and reliability.
Many Maas-Rowe DCB3 (Chronobell III) systems have been in service for at least 10 years to date. If your DCB3 has not been serviced with in the last 5 years, you should consider having it checked out. The memory battery will only last 5 years and the drive belts of the disc system do wear out. Having the memory battery replaced can save much headache in the event of power failure which with a failed battery will cause the DCB3 to loose all program settings. Worn or broken disc changer belts can cause errors or failure of the disc changer to load and play discs. The Westminster chime unit should also be checked out to make sure the bells operate with that quality bell tone which is "always in tune". Please contact us today to set up an appointment to keep your system running at optimum.
*Registered trademarks of Maas-Rowe Carillons
The DCP (Digital Chronobell Player) provides real time tone generation of all bell voices. The system can hold hundreds of selections which can be played in a variety of modes. Selections can be played immediately or scheduled to play automatically.
Typical Digital Chronobell*
Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell * Compact Disc Carillon and Symphonic Carillon
Amplified Bell and Carillon
The Digital Chronobell* is a completely automatic system that provides the traditional Swinging Bells, Pealing Bells, and Tolling Bells as well as Westminster Chimes and Hour Strikes.
Authentic struck miniature bells are tuned to generate the tones of large bells, then amplified as required through weatherproof speakers. By using geniune struck metal, all the complexity of a "live" ringing bell is present to produce a much more authentic sound than can be achieved with electronics alone.
Chronobell is a registered trademark of Maas-Rowe Carillons
Send us your old Schulmerich MkIII and Generation 4 AutoBelCard s.
We are also interested in Maas-Rowe Roll Player Rolls for both 25 and 50 note roll players.
Carillon music has a rich history which began in the 15th Century.
This music should continue to be preserved as long as possible!
Consider joining the:
What is a Carillon?
Carillons are magnificent musical towers dating back to 15th century Europe.
A carillon is a musical instrument composed of at least 23 carillon bells and may have as many as 77 bells arranged in chromatic sequence, so tuned as to produce concordant harmony when many bells are sounded together. The heaviest bell, which is called the Bourdon, can range from 300 pounds to over 20 tons in weight.
The carillon is played from a large keyboard containing both manual and pedal keys, similar in design to an organ but much larger. A carillon is very sensitive to the touch of the player, and has the largest dynamic range of any acoustical instrument. The keyboard is linked to the clapper of the bell by a manual transmission mechanism that allows the player great expressive range.
The world's greatest concentration of carillons is still in the Low Countries of Europe (Belgium, The Netherlands, northern France and northwest Germany). The art of the carillon has spread world wide, however, with instruments on every continent except Antarctica. Nearly 200 exist in North America.
More on the Cast Bell Carillon can also be seen here on YouTube:
Every civilization has created it's own memorials, and we have learned much about their cultures from them.
The pyramids testify to the ruthlessness of Egyptian slave drivers the Christ of the Andes, the stone cross looking out to sea on the shores of Normandy, are a few examples of memorials and their messages.
Modern memorials often provide service to the living while commemorating those who have passed on. Memorials are also given to commemorate important events, noteworthy accomplishments of persons still living, and as thank offerings for great blessings.
A modern carillon is a most fitting and useful memorial. the beauty of bells striking the hour of day, sounding the call to church, a familiar hymn, or an evening prayer bell. . . here indeed is a memorial voice.
Regular use of your carillon will increase church attendance, simulate participation in church activities, and encourage a more harmonious blending of church and civic life.
Your congregation may wish to give a carillon as a community memorial. This could be in honor of the founder of your church, or of members who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. The event or name of the person commemorated is usually cast on a bronze plaque, or inscribed in a suitable memorial book, with the names of the donors.
If you would like to help your church acquire a carillon consult your pastor about forming a carillon committee. Your church may have already established a carillon fund and would welcome your contributions.
Originally printed by Maas-Rowe Carillons, manufacturers of the Symphonic Carillon, the only carillon that always sounds in tune.
Here we cover a products history for an innovator in Carillons.
The Products of Maas-Rowe. Some products below are no longer manufactured. Other Maas-Rowe products like the Symphonic Carillon are still available today. You will find pictures of innovative products from the past and present as well as valuable information about Maas-Rowe Carillons which still hold true today!
World's Pioneer Manufacturer of Amplified Tower Bells, Chimes and Carillons
Maas-Rowe Carillons Inc.
2255 Meyers Avenue
Escondido, CA 92029
"The Memorial With A Voice"
Musical Tower Bells
For Churches, Colleges, Banks & Public Buildings
For centuries the chimes of Westminster and the ancient art of the Belgian carillonneurs have been accepted as the world's standard of musical artistry and beauty of carillon tone. Today, from western America comes a modern challenge to this ancient art --the MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLONS -- in a form and at a cost well within reach of all.
For the simple dignity of chapel chimes tolling softly in the background; or rich, glorious tones flooding the countryside with the melody of beloved hymns; or the clear notes of chimes sounding-the-hours and quarter hours -- MAAS VIBRACHIME CARILLONS (now Maas-Rowe) supply them all in beautifully resounding tones.
For churches, cemetery and mortuary chapels, schools, libraries, hospitals, Army and Navy institutions, City Halls, and many other public buildings - - what could be more appropriate than the installation of these beautiful chimes whose rounded, satisfying melody charms, soothes and delights all who hear their rich, mellow notes?
Simplicity of operation is an outstanding feature of MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEMS. The simple keyboard, placed in the most convenient location, whether in conjunction with other-musical instruments or not, makes it possible for anyone who can "pick out" a melody with one finger to play the chimes.
ALL VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEMS are constructed so that the following accessories can be added, either at the time of installation, or at some future date: WESTMINSTER CLOCKMOVEMENT, that automatically tolls the Westminster Chimes hourly, and also on the half-hour and quarter hour if desired; an ANGELUS PLAYER that sounds the Catholic Angelus three times daily; a MODEL-TA (low priced) AUTOMATIC HYMN PLAYER; the more elaborate MODEL N-25 SERIES OF AUTOMATIC PLASTIC ROLL PLAYERS, that play several hymns in a single program daily, with as many programs as desired; and other useful equipment such as RECORD PLAYERS, etc. These can be added to any MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEM as funds are available.
For additional information on automatic chimes players, see bulletin, titled MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) AUTOMATIC CHIME PLAYERS.
The tones of these systems are produced by small, accurately tuned rods (little bells), with harmonics of beautifully tuned bells. Each individual bell in the Carillon has not less than five tuned harmonics. Accuracy of tuning is unexcelled by any other system regardless of price. Low in cost, versatile, simple to install, they require no expensive tower alterations and no special room is required to house the Vibrachimes or accessories as neither temperature nor noise affects the operation of these bells. All MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEMS are designed in such a way that a small system can be installed, and increased at a later date to any strength desired by the simple addition of power stages and extra speakers to the initial equipment. The MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) CARILLON SYSTEM (covered by U. S. patents), has many exclusive features that are found in any other systems of this type. All these features, combined with the specially built and matched amplification systems, are reasons why MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEMS are the finest available.
Several units of the finest electrical and sound equipment make up the amplification equipment used in MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEMS, which sends out beautiful bell music over large or small areas depending upon the amplification specification selected. Every part of the equipment is thoroughly matched to give the finest possible results. Nothing is used that is not specifically designed to function with the MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) VIBRACHIMES. Another additional feature of every Maas (now Maas-Rowe) System is that provision is made so that microphones may be added at any time, so as to sound the voice of the Pastor, the choir, Organ, etc., over the outside loudspeaker system.
Minor tuned BELL CARILLON SYSTEMS are also available. These bells are substantially identical to MAAS (now Maas-Rowe) CHIME CARILLONS,
excepting that the bells are tuned to
minor instead of major tonality used
in the VIBRACHIME CARILLON SYSTEM. Minor tuned bells sound more like actual cast bells, and are sometimes desired by those who prefer this type of tone. They do not, however, blend nearly so well when used in conjunction with organ tones as do the
(now Maas-Rowe) CATHEDRAL CHIMES. For this reason VIBRACHIME CARILLON sales far exceed those of the MINOR TUNED BELL CARILLONS. Minor tuned bells are Priced slightly higher.
Maas-Rowe System with the 500A and
50A amplifier, N-25 roll player and S6 clock unit.

Churches, colleges, and community commercial institutions have long recognized the cultural and public relations benefits of a carillon.
Traditionally sounded out-of-doors, a carillon plays to the entire community. The music of the bells above the traffic noises easing the tensions of a busy day -- a familiar melody in the quiet of evening -- the beautiful Westminster or Parsifal chime followed by the striking of the hour -- the happy ringing of carols at Christmas time -- the pealing of the bells on Easter Morn -- these are but a few of the ways your carillon can bring beauty and inspiration to your community and serve as a constant reminder of the foresight and community spirit of your organization.
Before Maas-Rowe developed the first commercially successful amplified carillon, only larger churches could afford a set of bells, and only wealthy donars could know the satisfaction of giving a carillon. Now even the smallest church can enjoy such advantages, and donars of the modest means can give their community the inspirational beauty of the "Memorial With a Voice" * -- A Maas-Rowe Carillon.
Maas-Rowe, the world's pioneer manufacturer of amplified bells, chimes, and carillons presents here for your consideration the only complete line of modern carillons in models specifically designed for the requirements of your church, college, bank, or public building.
The world's leading organ dealers sell Maas-Rowe chimes and carillons exclusively. Your local Maas-Rowe Dealer is an established, dependable businessman, who will give you factual carillon information and prompt efficient service.
* Maas-Rowe trademark
The Symphonic Carillon *
Features and Accessories . . .
Photos show a typical system with the 5 minute segmented mechanical clock and amplifier rack unit from circa 1961. Current systems such as the Chronobell DCB-3 and the MPR (Memory Player/Recorder) use full computerized automation and controls.
Speakers can be attractively blended with modern architecture or can be concealed in a conventional bell tower.
CONSOLE of classic design to match any interior. Choice of 74 bells or 100 bells. Larger models available on special order. Compass of 74 Bell Model: three octaves, c to c'" chromatic. Compass of 100 Bell Model: four octaves, C to c'" chromatic. Console Dimensions 37" wide, 42" high, 24" deep.*
*Specification, subject to change.
TWO KEYBOARDS standard on all models. Upper keyboard plays all major bells. Lower keyboard plays all minor bells, or proper sequence of major and minor when key selector is used. Keyboards have standard AGO key spacing.
AUTOMATIC KEY SELECTOR. When turned to any key signature, this device automatically connects proper major and minor bells to lower keyboard. Permits playing Symphonic Carillon in correct harmony from one keyboard.
(continued below)
The Key Selector can be instantly disengaged and the Symphonic Carillon played with all of the quaint discords, off-key effects and strident clashes characteristic of ordinary carillons, if these effects are desired. Any organist can play the Symphonic Carillon direct from any hymn book, or from special carillon arrangements. No special training is necessary. The Maas-Rowe Symphonic Carillon is the only carillon available on which all chords, major, minor, augmented, or diminished can be played available on without dissonance.
HARP CELESTE, or VIBRACHORD * can be include on any Symphonic Carillon. Available in 44, 49, or 61 note ranges. These instruments have harp-like tones which provide a beautiful contrast to the bells of the Symphonic Carillon.
* Maas-Rowe registered trademark
PEDALS supplied only on 100 bell model for playing deepest-toned bells.
BELL TONE BARS (inside console). The bells of the Symphonic Carillon can never go out of tune or break from use and are guaranteed 20 years.
DYNAMIC EXPRESSION PEDAL. (Standard on 100 bell carillon, optional on 74 bell model.) Controls force with which each bell is struck. any of the bells can be played louder or softer as desired, without disturbing the sound of bells previously played and still ringing.
MEMORIAL or DEDICATION PLAQUE of solid cast bronze furnished at no extra cost. Usually mounted in a prominent position in the narthex of church or can be attached to the carillon console.
CONSOLE CONTROL for playing indoors and outdoors. Single knob also controls roll player, clock strike, and bell peals. Automatically prevents roll player from starting when carillon is being played manually. Permits clock to strike while carillon is being played indoors, but silences clock when turned to play carillon manually over outdoor projectors.
VOLUME CONTROL for indoor speaker. Carillon can be silenced indoors while playing over tower speakers.
SPECIAL CARILLON AMPLIFIERS are fully enclosed in on or more and panel cabinets with locking doors. Amplifiers are approved by Underwriters Laboratories and Canadian Standards Associations.
AUTOMATIC ROLL PLAYER * housed in metal cabinet identical to amplifier cabinets. Plays actual major and minor Symphonic carillon bells from hand cut perforated rolls. Can be set to play from one to six selections each time player starts. Rolls are of tear-proof mylar, each cut to your order. Up to eight selections can be put on one roll.
* Presently the MPR (Memory Player/Recorder) takes the place of the Automatic Roll Player.
CHRONOBELL AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMER starts roll player at times set on 24 hour dial. Also rings bell peals. Select from Parsifal * or Westminster Clock Strike, Call to Worship, Angelus, De Profundis, Ships Bell * or your own special Bell Peal melody. Separate weekday and Sunday schedules can be set ** Clock Mechanism of programmer will continue to run in case of power failure even if power is off for several hours!***
* Some features may or may not be presently available.
** The DCB-3 Chronobell can be programmed for year
round operation.
*** The DCB-3 has a lithium battery which will store all
programming and maintain correct time to 5 years before replacement
is needed.
SPEAKER COMPLIMENT: Rosette of 8 high powered fully weather proof sound projectors * Where a bell tower not available, a 6 foot steel tower suitable for roof mounting is supplied. Air Column length of each speaker: 6 1/2 feet, bell diameter 31". Diameter of speaker rosette: 7 1/2 feet. **
* Due to improvements in technology and the availability of Wide Angle Reflex Trumpets for current installations such as with the DCB-3 Chronobell, loudspeaker products and arrangement may be different.
** Dimensions apply to the original University Directional Reflex Trumpet model GH.
Maas Rowe Vibrachime Carillons
The Vibrachime is used in more churches than any other electronic carillon instrument. This popular priced single keyboard carillon of perfectly tuned rod-type bells is made in two ranges, 25 notes (70 series) F to F, or 27 notes (77 series) F to G Chromatic. These instruments provide the tonal equivalent of the lowest octaves of a very large cast bell carillon. Over 56 tons of bronze would be required to duplicate the tones of a Vibrachime in cast bells.
The Vibrachime is usually supplied with major tuned bells. Traditional minor third tuning is optional. Improved Octamonic Tuning *, an exclusive Maas-Rowe feature, provides perfectly harmonious bell tones. Six partials are tuned in each rod. The bell rods are produced by a patented process and cannot go out of tune or break from use.
The 25 note Vibrachime is supplied in a satin finish walnut cabinet of classic design measuring 31" high X 23" wide X 12" deep. The cabinet of the 27 note model is a beautiful original design by Herbert Kornfeld. Concealed keyboard is standard, contacts for organ keys are optional. Also available without cabinet for pipe organ installations.
Choose from several different outdoor amplification systems. The entire carillon system need not be purchased at one time. The Vibrachime may be purchased without tower amplification and used indoors. Outdoor amplification, Chronobell * and automatic player can be added later as required.
The automatic roll player Model N-25 ** (now the MPR memory player/recorder) plays the actual Vibrachime bells from hand cut tear-proof mylar perforated rolls. Can be set to play from one to six selections each time player starts.
* Registered trademark of Maas-Rowe
** Mylar Rolls for the N-25 & N-50 roll players are no longer manufactured.
Features of the Vibrachime Carillon
Separate indoor and outdoor amplifiers.
Independent control for indoor volume.
Complete remote control operation.
Keyboard can be detached from Vibrachime cabinet and mounted on organ console. Fifty foot cable standard. Up to 200 feet of cable can be used between keyboard and vibrachime.
Special finish cabinet available to order.
Underwriters approved carillon amplifiers supplied in rack and panel cabinets for 120 watt or larger systems. Rack and panel optional extra for 60 watt systems.
Complete line of automatic playing and ringing equipment available.
Maas Rowe Console-Carillons
The compact Console-Carillon is designed primarily for the smaller church. It's tones and carrying power compare favorably with other makers products.
The Console-Carillon combines the tone source of the 25 note Vibrachime with a 45 watt carillon amplifier in the same walnut cabinet. Minor tuning is standard, major tuning an optional extra. Available with different outdoor loudspeaker arrangements.
No expensive installation is required. Any easy-to-install chord connects from the console to the outdoor loudspeakers. The power cord is plugged into a convenient outlet and the installation is complete.
The Vibrachime and Console-Carillon are installed and serviced by your Maas-Rowe dealer. The tone bars are guaranteed for 10 years. Here is proof positive that a fine carillon need not be expensive!
Features of the Console-Carillon
Simplest of all carillons to install.
Single self-contained amplifier for both indoor and outdoor speakers.
Independent control for indoor volume.
Outdoor sound projectors fully weatherproof.
Keyboard can be removed from console and attached to organ manual. Twelve foot keyboard cable standard. Cable can not be extended.
Special finishes available to order.
Minor-third tuning standard.
Automatic playing and ringing equipment available.
Installed and serviced by your local Maas-Rowe dealer.
...Most Cathedral Chimes have been hanging in their original installation without replacement of the cotton cords
for at least 40+ years and as LONG AS 65+ YEARS!
Our company recently serviced this set of chimes in the Los Angeles area. The empty space near the center is where the chime tube had fallen from.
These are a set of Maas Amplified Cathedral Chimes which play outdoors through loudspeaker trumpets on the roof of the church.
Each of the chimes tubes are hung are with cotton cords. These cords do become old dry rot and break. If a chime tube should fall, it can be damaged or worse yet, someone could be injured. Each chime tube weighs roughly 12lbs. So please contact us to make an appointment today!
Maas Cathedral Chime Carillon
The 21 note amplified cathedral chime shown above launched the electronic carillon industry over 65 years ago.
The original tubular chime carillon, fully covered by U.S. Patents. Made in three sizes, with 21, 27 or 32 tubular bells of specifically alloyed bell metal, satin finish to a soft golden luster and protected with 7 coats of highest quality lacquer.
The famous Maas direct electric action with electrically controlled dampers is concealed under a decorative canopy of finest walnut. Time-tested in thousands of installations and with only two moving parts for each note, it is the most trouble-free chime action ever developed.
Dampers are a necessity on all cathedral chimes to prevent undesirable intermingling of notes. Maas electrically activated dampers work like dampers of a piano. Felt pads rest on all of the bells which all of the bells which are not being played, and lift free from each tube as it is played, allowing it to ring with the its fullest resonance as long as the key is depressed. When the key is released, the damper gently and gradually silences the tone. The Maas electric damper does not suddenly throttle the sound, nor does it interfere with the full resonance of tones as old-fashioned decadence dampers do. Decadence dampers are less expensive to manufacture, but because they rest on the tubes at all times, they do not permit the full freedom of ring so necessary for proper tone development in a tubular chime.
All Maas Cathedral Chimes are Octamonically Tuned *. Octamonic tuning, an exclusive Maas-Rowe process, provides accurately tuned octaves and eliminates the harsh discords hears in ordinary organ chimes. In chimes which are not octamonicaly tuned, the octave overtone of some notes will often be as much as one full semitone sharp while other bells in the same chime may have flat octave overtones. Maas Cathedral Chimes are the only tubular chimes which have all octave partials in tune with the pitch tones over the entire scale of the chime.
Maas Cathedral Chimes are usually played from a special keyboard which can be attached to an organ. Contacts for playing direct from the organ keys are optional. A consolette standard is available for mounting the keyboard when no organ is used. A low-voltage cable connects the keyboard to the chime action. Standard cable length is 50 feet.
A patented electronic pickup system mounted in back of the tubes converts their tones to electrical impulses which are amplified by the special Maas-Rowe Carillon Amplification System. The tones are projected outdoors through weather proof loudspeakers giving them the sonority of massive bells of great resonance. The distinctive mellow tone of a genuine Maas Cathedral Chime Carillon has never been duplicated. Indoors it is heard directly from the tubular bells without amplification.
Maas Cathedral Chime Carillons are available with amplification systems which originally ranged from 60 watts output power to 480 watts, and with one to eight weatherproof sound projectors (circa 1961 specification). Automatic Roll Player (presently a MPR Memory Player/Recorder) and Chronobell Programmer and Bell Peal can be added as required to provide a full automatic carillon system. The Model N25 Automatic Roll Player (circa 1961) plays the actual cathedral chime from hand-cut perforated rolls. It can be set to play from one to six selections each time player starts. Rolls are of tear-proof mylar, each cut to your order.
Maas Cathedral Chimes * are installed and serviced by your Maas-Rowe dealer/servicer. The tubular bells are guaranteed for 10 years.
* A Maas-Rowe trademark.
Features of Maas the Cathedral Chime Carillon
Full size 1 1/4" diameter heavy gauge tubes for full rich tone.
Beautiful appearance enhances any interior -- V formation (longest tube in center) standard.
Optional formations: W (shortest tubes in center); R (longest tubes at right); L (longest tube at left).
Can be divided into two groups for installation where wall space will not permit mounting the complete chime in one place.
Fifty foot keyboard cable standard. Can be extended up to 200 feet where necessary.
Six-position volume control permits full musical expression. Controls force with which bells are struck.
Patented bakelite striking head on each tube eliminates harsh metallic sounds.
Close spacing of tubes makes compact trim design.
Patented balanced spring suspension keeps tubes in perfect alignment.
Patented electronic pick up system is insensitive to extraneous noises; picks up only the pure vibrations of the tubular bells.
Underwriters approved amplifiers.
Rack and panel cabinet supplied with all systems rated at 120 watts output power or larger; optional extra on 60 watt systems.
Outdoor sound projectors completely weatherproof.
Complete line of automatic playing and ringing equipment available.
Sold and serviced by your Maas-Rowe dealer/servicer.
Makes the Deep Rich Toned
Music of
even more beautiful
Beautiful Effect Both Ways at Your Bidding With
Every organist has looked forward to the day when he could get complete musical expression from chimes accompanied by the organ without an excessive investment in special equipment.
The need for a practical attachment, capable of sustaining certain chimes notes while the musician engages both hands at the organ, was accepted shortcomings with damper equipped chimes. Compositions, such as "The Rosary", "Kamenoi Ostrow" and other equally beautiful melodies are instances where chime tones are effective only when allowed to ring out clear and unobstructed by any damper action.
While it is true that a chime note can be sustained through continued depressions of the key, on dampered installations,
the fact that the hands were occupied on the organ manuals prevented unrestricted chimes tones carrying over into the organ melody which followed.
This Switch Operates the Maas Sostenuto
Chimes without dampers on the other hand, causes intermingling of the tone which is especially
disconcerting where listeners are in the same room as the chimes. Dampers are necessary to correct this condition.
Imagine how effective and pleasing Maas Chimes sound with Sostenuto facilities. When the musician touches a small switch toward "Off" at the organ console all chimes tones are vastly lengthened.
The chimes again resume their normal period of tone duration the moment the same switch is pressed toward "On". All tones are no audible only as long as the fingers hold down chimes keys. This touch movement is also used to quickly silence any chimes tones which had previously been allowed to carry over into the organ melody.
All of these advantages -- convenient at your finger tips -- are available at such a small cost that you should include the Sostenuto when ordering Maas chimes.
The SOSTENUTO is optional equipment with Maas Cathedral Chimes. You will enjoy using the Sostenuto with your chimes. The Cost is nominal
Chimes equipped with Maas Sostenuto attachment provide all the advantages of un-dampered sustained chime melody, plus the equally interesting effects obtained with damper controlled chimes. both are admittedly essential to complete range of musical tone color. To get the utmost in the interpretation, your chimes should include this well engineered action attachments along with other outstanding Maas points of superiority.
Patented Non-Metallic Chimes Head.
Individually Sturdy Patented Spring Suspension.
Full Floating Action Vibration Absorption Cushions.
Solid Silver Electric Contacts.
Highly Efficient Damper Controls.
Walnut Cabinet Work.
The Maas-Rowe Chronobell * Automatic Bell Peal
Shown, the wall mounting Chronobell with 60 watt amplifier which was standard for small Chronobell Systems.
Also shown, Chronobell with Campana Liturgica in rack and panel cabinet (Amplified cast bell.)
Rack and Panel cabinet supplied with larger Chronobell systems. A locking door covers operation controls on all Chronobell. Racks and Panel cabinet dimensions: 23 1/2" wide X 16" deep and either 41 1/2" high or 59 1/2" high depending on size of amplification systems.
The Chronobell* Automatic Bell Peal
A group of bells for ringing, rather than for playing musical selections, is correctly called a "peal". A carillon sings to the community, a bell peal speaks to it. Stately "rings" sounding their traditional messages from a bell peal soon become part of the community life.
Because people in their daily activities learn to depend upon the bells as time signals, reliable automatic ringing is essential in a modern bell peal. The Chronobell provides all bell rings customarily sounded from a tower. It is equipped with its own amplification and sound projection system, except when combined with a Maas-Rowe carillon. In this case the Chronobell uses the amplification system of the carillon, but is always equipped with an independent set of bells as required for the rings selected.
The heard of the Chronobell is the ingenious patented Maas-Rowe programmer. A power failure proof ** electric clock turns a 24 hour dial. Pins are inserted in this dial at the times the various bell rings are to sound. (Current systems such as the Chronobell DCB-3 and the MPR "Memory Player/Recorder" use full computerized automation controls and year round programming.) A weekly calendar dial permits setting up one program for Sundays, another for weekdays, and a schedule of additional call-to-worship rings for days on which additional services, such as evening devotionals, are regularly scheduled. A unique, special day program switch is available where still another program must be scheduled on "Holy Days" or special days of special importance.
Select from the list below, those rings which specifically meet the bell ringing requirements of your church or institution:
HOUR STRIKE -- Correct time service for your community! Strikes at all hours set on 24-hour dial. Can be programmed to remain silent at night or Sundays.
WESTMINSTER CHIME AND HOUR STRIKE -- The beautiful Westminster quarter-hour melodies with the correct time strike on the hour. Can be programmed for silence on any quarter-hour, hour or on Sundays.
PARSIFAL CHIME AND HOUR STRIKE *** -- A hauntingly beautiful melody of 16 notes on the hour, followed by correct time strike. Not as well known as Westminster strike, it is very distinct and highly recommended were a Westminster is already sounding in the neighborhood.
SINGLE SWINGING BELL -- The traditional call-to-worship used throughout Christendom. Separate Sunday and weekday schedules ring automatically as set up on 24-hour dial.
PEAL OF THREE (or 4) BELLS -- The call to High Mass, or to special services. Separate Sunday and weekday schedules ring automatically.
THE ANGELUS -- The traditional single-bell Angelus. Rings three times daily, usually at 8:00 AM., 12:00 noon, 6:00 PM. A different schedule can be set for Sundays if desired.
REGINA COELI -- Rings in place of the Angelus during Easter time.
ST. ANNE de BEAUPRE' ANGELUS -- The beautiful three-bell Angelus which originated at the convent of St. Anne de Beaupre' in Canada. Widely used by Roman Catholic Churches in the United States and Canada.
DE PROFUNDIS BELL -- A solemn curfew or prayer bell, automatically tolls nine times, once each day, usually set for 9:00 PM.
FUNERAL TOLL -- Same tone as De Profundis. Tolls once each 10 seconds. Started and stopped manually, for perfect control of number of tolls.
SHIP'S BELL -- Rings one to eight bells on hour and half hour.
YOUR OWN SPECIAL MELODY -- If you use a theme song in your radio or TV advertising, it can sound out from your tower or roof top! Either independently or followed by the correct time strike on the hour.
ROLL PLAYER START -- When used with a Maas-Rowe carillon system equipped with a roll player (or currently a MPR memory player/recorder)
REMOTE CONTROL -- Provides an additional control point for the Chronobell -- often installed in the pastor's study.
* Maas-Rowe Registered trademark
** Power failure proof clock mechanism will continue to run even if power is off for several hours. Bells will not ring while power is off, but will resume ringing according to schedule when electrical service is restored. (The Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell "DCB-3" currently uses a lithium battery which will store all programming and maintain correct time for 5 years before replacement is required.)
*** Check with Maas-Rowe for current availability of different quarter, half and hour and hour music sequences.
**** Maas-Rowe Trade Mark for amplified cast bell.
The Compact Disc Carillon provides ultra-high quality carillon music in CD format. The system can hold hundreds of selections which can be played in a variety of modes. Selections can be played immediately or scheduled to play automatically.
The Symphonic Carillon* is the only carillon that sounds completely "in tune". This is achieved through the use of both major and minor tuned bells in the same instrument. An optional Memory Player/Recorder records songs into computer memory while the keyboard is played.
The tone quality of Maas-Rowe bells and carillons is so outstanding they have been selected for thousands of Churches, Universities, Civic Centers and Commercial Projects.
A pioneer in new technology, Maas-Rowe has installed more than 2,500 Digital Chronobell* Systems, offering unprecedented versatility and reliability.
Many Maas-Rowe DCB3 (Chronobell III) systems have been in service for at least 10 years to date. If your DCB3 has not been serviced with in the last 5 years, you should consider having it checked out. The memory battery will only last 5 years and the drive belts of the disc system do wear out. Having the memory battery replaced can save much headache in the event of power failure which with a failed battery will cause the DCB3 to loose all program settings. Worn or broken disc changer belts can cause errors or failure of the disc changer to load and play discs. The Westminster chime unit should also be checked out to make sure the bells operate with that quality bell tone which is "always in tune". Please contact us today to set up an appointment to keep your system running at optimum.
*Registered trademarks of Maas-Rowe Carillons
Selections Heard in this Carillon Medley are:
'To Jesus Heart All Burning (Traditional)'
D.W. Lumbert & Associates for Verdin Carillons
'The Church's One Foundation' -- Wesley
Chimes from The Church Tower
Polytechnic Methodist Church
Maas-Rowe Symphonic Carillon
Del Roper -- Carillonneur
'Softly Now The Light Of Day'
Schulmerich Flemish Bell carillon
Hawthorne Christian School
Anton Brees Carillonneur
'The Blue Bells of Scotland'
Stephen Foster Carillon/ Deagan Tower Chimes
June Albright Carillonneur
"The Sweetest Music Ever Tolled ®"
Image courtesy of Tim Bovard
Little Rock, Arkansas.
Shown is a Schulmerich 4 octave Carillon Console from around 1948.
This image is from the book Chimes And Electronic Carillons
Modern Tower Bells by Paul D. Peery
This is a Schulmerich's Roll Player Unit from around 1948
This image is from the book Chimes And Electronic Carillons
Modern Tower Bells by Paul D. Peery
Image Courtesy of
Pete Woodworth
Shown is a early Schulmerich 36-205 Roll Player.
This unit uses a interval timer to set the number of selections played.
Shown is a much late type Schulmerich Roll Player.
This unit has the advantage of playing 1 to 10 selections.
This is regulated by a end of selection hole punched in the roll.
I. T. Verdin and Schulmerich Belts
We have replacement belts for I.T. Verdin cartridge carillons like the 340 and 600 models. If your Verdin cartridge carillon has a Viking of Minneapolis Model P cartridge player, this is the replacement belt you need.
We also have replacement belts for Schulmerich Magnebell Cartridge Carillon systems. These fit any Schulmerich Carillon system which has the Viking of Minneapolis Model P cartridge player.
Please specify when ordering if your system is a Verdin or Schulmerich as the sizes are a different.
These are sold in pairs.
To order please see our Contact Page
A 1940's Verdin Console Chimes System
Verdin Console Chimes
Beautiful chime tones are reproduced on the Verdin console unit without the use of tubular chimes or bells. . . it has a range of 25 notes (F to F) and a volume that is greater than that of a set of large cathedral bells.
No special training is required to play the Verdin Console. The touch of the key causes instantaneous response, and each note fades away when the key is released. Keyboard is enclosed in a beautiful cabinet with a folding cover. The Verdin console chime provides chime music for a very modest cost. Can also be use for bell music inside the church if desired.
Pictured, a 1940's Verdin Electronic Carillon
Hymn Music and Carillon Reproduction
Carillon music and hymns played by one of the world's greatest carillonneurs is a grand feature of the Verdin electronic system. 12" Vinyllite discs are used to reproduce this glorious bell music with clearness and beauty that is satisfying to everyone. Think how wonderful it would be to call your congregation to church with the glorious music that reaches into every home.
Angelus Ringing Is Automatic The angelus can be rung automatically . . . three times daily . . . according to the program of your church.
Time Striker This unit strikes quarters, half and hour. It is synchronized with clock and very accurate. All weights normally used with conventional equipment eliminated.
Westminster Chime Time Striker This chime plays on the quarters, half and hour. It is a beautiful reproduction of Westminster Chimes.
Symphonic Bells Symphonic angelus, time striker, and tower bells are available. With this arrangement a more pleasing tonal quality is achieved by striking two notes an octave apart simultaneously.

A 1960's I. T. Verdin Model 680 Cartridge Carillon.
Repair, Replacement and
new-upgrade system
Maas Rowe Carillons
Since 1922
Escondido California
Schulmerich Carillons, Inc.
Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Tone Wheel And Tone Cabinet Service Company
Key Words: Aphex Aural Exciter Big Bottom Channel Optical Big Bottom Headpod 4 Compeller 320D IN2 IN 2 120B Distribution Amp 124B - Two Channel Level Interface 141B Eight Channel D to A Chase Organs Willis Chase Lancaster California Westchester Studio City Long Beach Riverside San Bernadino Hollywood North Hollywood West Hollywood, Bel Air, Westwood Century City, Brentwood, Castellammare, Pacific Palisades, Ocean Park Norco, Home Gardens, Corona, El Cerrite, Glen Ivy Hot Springs Rancho Park, Cheviot Hills, Palms, Culver City, Mar Vista, Venice, Marina Del Rey, Playa Del Rey Bell Gardens, Downey, Santa Fe Springs, Pico Riveria, Whittier, East Whittier, La Habra, Norwalk, Bellflower, Cudahy Alhambra, San Gabriel, South San Gabriel, El Monte, Monterey Park, South El Monte, Rosemead, Montebello, Pico Rivera, East Los Angeles. Sunland, Tujunga, La Crescenta, Burbank, Verdugo City, Montrose, Glendale Bradbury, Monrovia, Duarte, Asusa, Glendora, Citrus, Irwindale, Vincent, Charter Oak, Covina, Baldwin Park, West Covina, West Puente Valley, Basset, Valinda, City of Industry, Walnut, South San Jose Hills, Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights Niland, Calipatria, Elmore, Kane Spring, Westmoreland, Alamorio, Brawley, Imperial, El Centro, Holtville, Meloland, Date City, Plaster City, Dixieland, Seeley, Heber, Mount Signal, Calexico, Calexico International Airport, Bonds Corner Keenbrook, Lytle Creek, Verdermont, Muscoy, Fontana, Rialto, San Bernadino, Cal State San Bernadino, Arrowhead Springs, San Manuel Indian Reservation, Patton, East Highland, Highland, Colton, Bloomington, Crestmore, Grand Terrace Cerritos College, Cerritos, North Long Beach, Lakewood, Artesia, Bixby Knolls, Hawaiian Gardens, Long Beach Airport, Los Alamitos, Signal Hill, California State Long Beach, Rossmoor, Long Beach, Seal Beach, Leisure World, Belmont Shore, Naples, Westminster, Edinger, Seal Beach, Orange Co. Mount Olympus, Hollwood Atwater Village, Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Glassell Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mount Washington, Monterey Hills, El Sereno, Chinatown, Echo Park, Westlake, Hancock Park, Park La Brea, Mid-Wilshire, Country Club Park, Koreatown, Los Angeles, Lincoln Heights, Boyle Heights, City Terrace, West Adams, Central, East Los Angeles, City of Commerce, Vernon, Maywoo, Crenshaw, View Park, Baldwin Hills, Windsor Hills, Huntington Park, Morningside Park, Florence, Walnut Park, Cudahy, Watts, Athens, South Gate Lynwood, Hollydale, Paramount, Lakewood, Rancho Domingues, Compton, Willowbrook Westminster, Midway City, Fountain Valley, Hungtington Harbour, Surfside, Sunset Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, los angeles organ Balboa, Corona Del Mar. Santa Ana, Tustin, Lemon Heights, Cowan Heights, East Irvine, Irvine Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Anaheim Convention Center, Disneyland, Edison International Fields of Anaheim, Arrowhead Pend of Anaheim, Villa Vista, Santiago Oaks Regional Park, Irvine Regional Park, Orange Park Acres, El Modena, Orange, Garden Grove, Silverado, Cleveland National, Modjeska La Habra Heights, La Habra, Brea, Sleepy Hollow, Olinda, Yorba Linda, Yorba Regional Park, La Palma, Featherly Regions Park, Atwood, Placentia, Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, La Mirada, Buena Park, Fullerton Municipal Airport, La Palma, Knotts Berry Farm, Stanton, Cypress Trabuco Canyon, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Coto de Ceza, San Juan Hot Springs, Cleveland National Forest, Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park, San Juan Capistrano, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach, South Laguna, Laguna Niguel, South Laguna, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, Emerald Bay, Three Arch Bay, San Clemente, Capistrano Beach, San Onofre Newcomb Ranch, Mount Waterman, Hidden Springs, Chilao, Mount Wilson, La Canada Flintridge, Altadena, Pasadena, South Pasadena, Sierra Madre, Arcadia, Monrovia, Bradbury, Duarte, San Marino, Belltown, Highgrove, Pedley, Rubidovx, Edgemont, Sunnymead, Moreno Valley, Woodcrest, Lake Mathews Mira Loma, Glen Avon, Sunnyslope, Bell Sylmar, San Fernando, Mission Hills, North Hills, Northridge, Mission Hills, Pacoima, Panarama City, Northridge, Van Nuys, Encino, Sherman Oaks, North Hollywood, Valley Village, Studio City, Universal City, Sun Valley Porter Ranch, Granada Hills, Northridge, North Hills, Chatsworth, West Hills, Canoga Park, Winnetka, Bell Gardens, Oak Park, Hidden Hills, Reseda, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Calabasas, Calabasas Highlands, Calabasas Park, Glenview, Monte, Monte Nido, Cornell, Agoura Hills, Agoura, Malibu Junction, Westlake Village, Seminol Hot Springs Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes Estates, Walteria, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Miraleste, San Pedro, Gardena, Torrance, Carson, Dominguez, Wilmington, Harbor City, Lomita. Wheeler Springs, Meinere Oaks, Mira Monte, Ojai, Summit, Sulphur Springs, Santa Paula, Oak View, Casitas Springs, Foster Park, Chrisman, Ventura, Saticoy, Montalyo, El Rio, Nyeland Acres, Camarillo Heights, Camarillo, Somis, Leisure Village, North Fillmore, Filmore, Buckhorn, Piru, Bardsdale, Oznard, Colonia, Port Hueneme, Oxnard State Beach, Mandalay State Beach, McQuinth State Beach, Emma Wood State Beach, Solimar Beach -- donald resor donald r resor jr donald resor jr donald r resor jr allen rodgers baldwin copeman hart ahlborn galanti general music viscount britson makin skinner harris aeolian electronium tracker touch hammond organ organs church repairs services johannus digital parts Leslie tone cabinet speakers rebuilds symphonic carillon chimes worship maas-rowe schulmerich verdin chime masters bells vibrachime vibrachord chronobell magnabell Octane Octave tower clock New hammond organ and leslie store! The hammond store don't let manuel rosales nick or file your organ pipe work Allen Ahlborn Chase Domus Galanti Hammond Johannus Leslie Speaker Rodgers and Viscount Organs. Maas Rowe Schulmerich and Verdin Carillons Repair Repairs Service Support